Okay, people, here's the thing. Not everybody from [x] political party is racist, ignorant, immoral, a dirty hippy, an idiot, whatever insult is your choice of the day.
What you believe politically doesn't bother me. I'm somewhere in the middle, but I have friends who are GOOD PEOPLE all over the political spectrum. I'm sorry that the blowhards and extremists tend to get airtime, I'm sorry that you disagree with the vocal leaders of x-party about x-issue or even all the issues, but when you categorically insult any one party and all who are in it I get appalled at you, not them. Oh, I may be appalled and insulted by the individual person you're decrying, but when you say, "This is what's wrong with Republicans!" or "This is what's wrong with Democrats!" or this is what's wrong with ANY group I have to try very hard not to blow up at you. Someday I will fail.
Be mad all you want about x-issue or x-person or x-picture you saw on the internet. Rail and scream against it, or post a passionate debate, or react with cold disgust, whatever you like. But please, keep the insults to the individual or individuals responsible, not the group of people as a whole.